従業員の心身的健康と 企業組織の経済的健康を守り、 健康で豊かな社会を創ります。

企業(組織)の健康課題は、企業倫理、企業統治(ガバナンス)、企業文化に直結する。法令遵守(コンプライアンス)・リスクマネジメントを基本として、経済性を超えた社会性を実現する社会的責任(Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR)から、経済性と社会性を共に実現する共有価値創造(Creating Shared Value: CSV)という考え方が注目されている。
企業(組織)の健康課題について、何から取り組めば良いのか。健康課題への取り組み方について、1. 組織体制構築、2. 健康課題把握、3. 価値創造に分けて説明する。
1 組織体制構築
- 産業医の選任(安衛法第13条第1項・安衛法施行令第5条)
- (安全)衛生管理者の選任(安衛法第12条・安衛則第7条)
- (安全)衛生委員会の設置
- 産業医の選任(努力義務)
- (安全)衛生推進者の選任
2 健康課題把握
- 健康診断の受診率
- 二次健診の受診率
- 生活習慣病の有病率
- メンタルヘルス不調の把握
- 長時間労働者の把握
- 有給休暇の取得率
3 価値創造
- 企業価値向上
- 企業イメージ・ブランド向上
- 従業員の生産性向上
- 従業員の採用・定着
- コスト削減
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO constitution
Total Worker Health® is defined as policies, programs, and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness-prevention efforts to advance worker well-being.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
従業員の健康を如何に把握するかについては、Flourishing Indexというものがある。
Domain1: Happiness and Life Satisfaction
1. Overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?
2. In general, how happy or unhappy do you usually feel?
Domain2: Mental and Physical Health
3. In general, how would you rate your physical health?
4. How would you rate your overall mental health?
Domain3: Meaning and Purpose
5. Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
6. I understand my purpose in life.
Domain4: Character and Virtue
7. I always act to promote good in all circumstances, even in difficult and challenging situations.
8. I am always able to give up some happiness now for greater happiness later.
Domain5: Close Social Relationships
9. I am contet with my friendships and relationships.
10. My relationships are as satisfying as I would want them to be.
Domain6: Financial and Material Stability.
11. How often do you worry about being able to meet normal monthly living expenses?
12. How often do you worry about safety, food, or housing?
The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science